Makeup Trends For 2015

We are nearing the end of the year 2014. Let's welcome the year 2015. Find out what will be the hit fashion and the trending look this coming year 2015.

1. Smoky eyes are in. Match your smokey eye with vivid red lips and brilliant color for the face.

2. Fine Eye Liner. Try black liquid liner lined clean and slightly flicked for a clean but classy look.

3. Red Lips is timeless. Vibrant red color lips, deep berry lipstick and many more. They are still in this 2015.

4. Brown eyes. This 2015 brown eye shadow creates a cool, versatile look.

5. Bright color eyes will also be present. For a more fancy look, you could still opt for bright colored shadows.

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Anyone Can Wear Read Lipstick

Red Lips

Who ever said that not everyone can wear Red-colored lipstick is wrong. Most women hesitate to wear red lipstick because of reasons like red is just too bold, it is not the right shade or red just isn't their color. But we got tips for you that will convince you that anyone can rock red-colored lips.

  • For a more off-beat color try layering orange and red together. Start with orange, then red to achieve a neon look.
  • Prepping your lips by applying petroleum jelly and sugar lip scrub the night before is a great way to soften and smoothes lips. You'll achieve a color perfectly applied the next day.
  • Using a lip liner all over your lips then applying lipstick on top is one great way to make the color last. Perfect for a long party with wine and lots of chit-chat.
  • If you want a deeper and richer shade, try mixing three different shades together.
  • Find a shade that is known to work on different kinds of skin tone.

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Benefits Of Wearing Makeup

Makeup benefits

There are many makeup non-believers out there thinking makeup can bring little benefits to those who are using it. But little did they know that wearing makeup can actually affect one's self-esteem, their confidence and the way the society look at them.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of wearing makeup.

1. The Mood- Lifter

Just like eating chocolates and sweets, makeup can be also a quick mood lifted. It is found out in a survey that 85% of woman believe that makeup can cheer them up during a bad day.

2. Confidence Booster

Makeup is known to boost the confidence of women worldwide. Many women feel more confident when they are wearing makeup than in bare face.

3. Job Seeker

It has been found out in a study that female employers prefer hiring woman who wears makeup rather as compared to those who are not wearing one.

4. Self-Expression

Many woman who wear makeup use it as self expression. Through makeup, they have expressed themselves better and lessen emotional breakdown.

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Makeup Facts That Will Surprise You

With the vast realm in the makeup industry, it is no surprise to discover some weird but true information regarding beauty. Everyday, we can come across several beauty statistics that might shock us. Here are some amazing and interesting facts about beauty.

Shimmer And Dazzle With Fish Scales

Fish are friends. Thank them for the wonderful shimmer on your lipsticks, nail polish and other cosmetic products. 

It is Manic Monday

The average morning makeup routine for a Monday is a rocking 76 minutes, which drop down to just 19 minutes every Friday.

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Go Wild With Lip Plumpers

Pout, pucker and roar! For years, women are trying to perfect the gorgeous pout in their lips. The fullness of it is often admired by lots of people, especially on fashion magazines. And with lip plumpers out today in the market, the demand of it goes high as more and more women purchase several products in various brands to obtain that sexy and sultry look prominent in most celebrity stars.

So what can a lip plumper do anyway? Does it have oil and moisture content? Or is just one of the plain old cosmetic products which will fade out later on in the cosmetic trend?

Lip Plumper

Lip Plumper Contents

To achieve a bee sting look in your lips, a lip plumper will be helpful in doing that job. This cosmetic item contains cinnamon, wintergreen and capsacin. These ingredients initiate your lips to swell slightly because of its spicy and stingy component. When applied in mouth, the blood vessels in your lip area tend to dilate. This would cause your lip to pout in its natural form. Aside from that, manufacturers added some ingredients to tone down the sting in your lips.

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